The Farm
The way we live is not sustainable. Large scale agriculture is killing the planet. There are big global issues facing us around the way we eat and the way we live. These are too big for us to change on our own. But we can take personal responsibility. We can think global and act local.
Aldersroot started with a question: Can you live sustainably and create an income on a small-scale farm? Current systems of planning and commercial agriculture say you can’t.
Aldersroot is a working farm, focused on innovation in small-scale agriculture. It’s been regenerated and guided by the permaculture principles of earth care, people care and fair share. That means we work with nature, respect the earth, waste nothing, ensure our impact is minimal and of course we care deeply for the long-term health of our land. Our aim is to live on less and produce more. We share with our local community and any surplus we make goes into the ongoing maintenance of the farm.
Aldersroot is an invitation to see this in action. So check this out below or come and visit us.